Tuesday, June 30, 2009

9dp3dt and symptoms so far...

so in somewhat of a summary fashion 1dp3dt-3dp3dt I had cramping . After the 3rd day I had no more cramping until yesterday which was 8dp3dt- and its very kinna like slight cramping not hard on just annoying. I also noticed that I became kinna bloated yesterday. Lets see from about 3dpt-7dpt I could only sleep on my back my hip joints kinna ached..thats weird and maybe not related to this whole process lol. Ive been decorating my house so I couldhve moved a weird way or something who knows :) Anyways thats whats been going on so far -beta is friday or monday depending on if I go out of town for the 4th or not so we'll be reporting that BFP soon :)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


So far my boobies hurt soo mama bad and Ive had cramping that I'm pretty sure is from the progesterone suppositories...I'm excited and faithful and am already singing to the embies everyday heh. Anywhooo, im truckin along well. Hey! was so scared and walking all slow because I thought that the embies could fall out lol (stupid, I kno..i learned and googled , googled and learned lol). .can it fall out ????

what happens after a 3 day and a 5 day transfer

1dpt ..embryo is growing and developing
2dpt... Embryo is now a blastocyst
3dpt....Blastocyst hatches out of shell on this day
4dpt.. Blastocyst attaches to a site on the uterine lining
5dpt.. Implantation begins,as the blastocyst begins to bury in the lining
6dpt.. Implantation process continues and morula buries deeper in the lining
7dpt.. Morula is completely inmplanted in the lining and has placenta cells & fetal cells
8dpt...Placenta cells begin to secret HCG in the blood
9dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
10dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
11dpt...HCG levels are now high enough to be immediately detected on HPT

-1dpt ..embryo is growing and developing
0dpt... Embryo is now a blastocyst
1dpt....Blastocyst hatches out of shell on this day
2dpt.. Blastocyst attaches to a site on the uterine lining
3dpt.. Implantation begins,as the blastocyst begins to bury in the lining
4dpt.. Implantation process continues and morula buries deeper in the lining
5dpt.. Morula is completely inmplanted in the lining and has placenta cells & fetal cells
6dpt...Placenta cells begin to secret HCG in the blood
7dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
8dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
9dpt...HCG levels are now high enough to be immediately detected on HPT

Sunday, June 21, 2009

My Father's day transfer!!!! 5 made it to snowbabies!!!

It was awesome!!! No pain at all.No cramping or anything , my RE was surprised lol. He washed off my cervix and inserted the embies, 2- which he said were "textbook"!!!! (8 cell). I said, can you put 3 in and he said "you really dont want to end up with triplets". My cousin was like yes we do !!!! lol He started talking about developmental problems blah blah blah so I was like ok, 2 then! (blah, but my RE is so nice I couldnt press the issue lol). He is usually very somber..nice but somber so it was just so weird to see him uber excited , i mean elated would be an understatement- just so much excitement in his voice - you heard it the most when he was talking about my embies and how excellent the quality was. go me and go hubluv lol. It was a special day though, I gave him the card I talked about in my last post and he prayed over the babies with the oil that was prayed over by my grandma and aunt at our wedding-he put it on my belly and kissed it , how cute right.

Anywho, Im believing that both will stick. God says,There will be none that are barren and miscarry among you and Im holding onto that !!! We have a VERY busy week and weekend so that should make it easy for me to get through the week.Im going to be tied up with lots of family staying at my house until 8dp3dt (8 days past a 3 day transfer). Yes!!! I thank God for aligning things this way so I can just stay busy shoot. :) Im also reading a bestselling book called Shanghai girls I really like it so far so we shall see. I think it's going to go by fast though :) Did I say I have 5 embies frozen !!! yes 5!!!!! Im so in love right now!!!

CharityLuvin- mama to embies!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

8 eggs fertilized, transfer date etched in stone :)

What a father's day for my hubluv, dh. My transfer will me at 830am sunday morning , cool right?! I was so sad when mother's day rolled around and some internet buddies transferred that day and now God made it up for lil old me by letting me put a smile on my hubluv's heart. 8 eggs fertilized and Im still sticking to 3 , more than ever now since it'll be some hours short of a 3day. At the time that I called the embies aka my new loves were at a 2pn stage which I researched is appropriate for the time they have been growing. Hopefully they will grow really good through tommorrow. Im really hope I have 4 to freeze I will be praying about that tonite. My hubby has a SERIOUS obligation so he wont be able to be at the transfer- which he hate but my fav. cousin and possibly my dad will be his stand in :( Im still sad he cant make it. I bought him this cute father's day card that has a photo insert for your own pic and I will be puttin the embies pics there- Did I find the perfectest card ever or what ?!! I was so in love with that card. Get ur dhs cards. Happy father's day -weekend and please keep me and my embie kiddos in your prayers!! I love you all and really appreciate all of your support!!

special shoutouts to starsofastar and t.bird thanks alot!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

11 eggs!!!!

I woke up EARLY yall at 5am to do the collection- got to the office at 650ish and I am soooo very happy to report that we retrieved 11 eggs, yes 11 whoohooo. Im just so grateful to God for that!! Lets see, I got there and they couldnt fing my vein at first but the second time was a charm. While that was going on the anesthesiologist, my RE and my lovely resident Allison came in to talk to me about everything. I'll start by saying that the procedure didnt hurt at all. As soon as I got to the room which was a regular ultrasound room i had been in before- I scooted all the way to the bottom. He put the sleepy stuff in my IVF and I was out. When I woke up I asked how many eggs and they said 10. Then Allison came in and said it was 11 eggs and that she found a big one at the very end , coool beans :) I feel a little achy now but Im already on the plane going home (ill be back for my transfer). The medicine they give you is so short acting that I had no problem at all waking up. I left the office at 9am, the procedure itself was only about 15 minutes. I had a little bleeding whenever I wiped this morning but its already gone. Im so excited and I cant wait for them to give me a fertilization report! Transfer is saturday or sunday so dont stop praying that all goes well and that those embies stick. I also picked up my progesterone suppositories today so no more shots, thank the Lord!!! All in all I feel great I slept for three hours woke up and went out to eat and now Im on the plane - thats how great I feel..just a lil achy!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Night before retrieval :) ..tips on getting through an IVF cycle

Some people take weird supplements or have their rituals of what they do leading up to their retrievals. What did I do/take??

1. Prayer of Faith using the name of Jesus only
I have said a prayer of faith over my body and each reproductive organ almost everyday , praying in Jesus name (no other name will work!!). I have held the scripture VERY close to my heart that I paraphrase "I will not miscarry or be barren" from the verse that says there will be none that are barren and miscarry among you. Anytime a doubtful though comes to mind, I try my best to be on guard and refute it with what the Word says about me and "having a quiver full of kiddos" (fyi:quivers means 5).

2. Prenatal Vitamins, Selenium, Royal Jelly (pills), and Vitamin E

I didnt start taking any of these until I started stimming so I dont know how effective they were but I do know that I havent felt tired and my ovaries NEVER hurt . I NEVER felt bloated until AFTER my trigger tonight (being the first night Ive felt bloated) - my belly looks like im 6 months preggo, im serious! Prenatal Vitamins because I had a dream that I needed vitamin D or E ( iInever remembered which one lol, hence the reason Im taking vitamin E-vitamin D is included in mine already).Selenium? I just saw some people taking it and read that it was good for overall reproductive health. My husband is taking my prenatals (lol y not?!) with me and selenium- its good for spermies :) he's taking the vitamin E too.

3. Pinching up tummy fat 3 seconds before the shot numbs it !

Yup thats what I learned and it really worked good at the end I was really good at getting it numb I didnt feel that trigger shot at all !! :)

4. It's weird but I snacked on frosted mini wheats almost everyday of stimming and I found that tmi ..it cleans you out REALLY good and cuts cravings. Ive only been wanting fresh things like salads (from Panera bread yum!!! ) and apples. It's just soo crazy how picky Ive become. I read that when you get your colon cleansed it removes all the addictive stuff found in foods. Im a carbs girl so Im shocked by my new "healthy" craving for a "good salad" lol. This has nothing to do with IVF but sort of does because you can go into retrieval and transfer with a cleaned out system :)

Anyways retrieval in the am , got a collection condom for hubluv today waaay too early in the am for non baby makin lol I have to be in my RE's at 7am and the collection has so be within an hour LAAAWD lol

That was a weird conversation with the nurse btw lol "How is he going to collect ? hisself or (weird pause)" Me: (sweet n tender ) Um, I was wondering if the lab has collection condoms? Nurse: (races in ) YEA! thats what I was going to ask you ,If you are going to have intercourse ( me thinking: i hate that word ! this is so awkwardly embarrassing!!!) me: yes. Nurse: So after ejaculation (wow, lady) , put the entire condom in the cup do not dump out the semen. Me: okay, I got it. Cant wait till this is over even though it's DEFINITELY gonna be worth it lol whats up with all the caps lol till tommorrow sometime after retrieval!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The girl is bout to lay these eggs!!!

Yes honeys, Im bout to drop 'em like they hot lol (corny but ya gotta luv me lol). Today I had a lot of follicles that reached 20mm so crazy cus yesterday they were like 16mm lol No blood work today, yay. Dr. Allison said "tell your ovaries good job" lol.I love her !! Im about to trigger at 830pm exactly tonight which is like 7 minutes from now and then no more shots. I still have almost a whole pen of Gonal F left- ill save it :) for my next kiddos. IF I want more because I will be pregnant this time :) Anyway retrieval on thursday at 730am. My RE is back from London yaaay so he will be at my retrieval.Please pray that all goes well, I have lots of scarring in there so they will be cautious about puncturing my intestines (laawd) thankfully prayer works and Im praying that God covers me! I filled my vicodin script today , Im nervous about taking it though since it will be on an empty stomach anyways. I just got my trigger shot whooo hooo...Until thursday, please keep me in your prayers !!!!

CharityLuvin- soon to b mama!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Egg retrieval planned for...

(saturday) Day 6 E2=889
Monday (today) Day 8 E2=1730

The plan is...

Back to the RE in the am to check my now 10 follicles (yipee) to see if they matured
GonalF is down to 225iu today so it can bump me to 2000 and not too much past it (no OHSS here honeys). They are looking to do retrieval Thursday *angel music-whatever that is to u lol* agree with me on those 3 eggs we shall c we shall c :)

Im sooo excited *squeee* and ready for the transfer to be done! it has been sooo busy for us, i repeast sooooo busy . I feel like im at the RE everyday lol My hubluv's constant flowing lil joke is yankin me and saying "cold gel!!!" Thats what the RE always says while he's inserting the ultrasound wand LOL.
Id love 2 girls and a boy btw. Crazy arent I? yup prolly an RE's nightmare wantin that :)So hard not to b greedy when u dont have any yet :) Until manana.... (which means tommorrow, lawd beef up on ur spanish! lol)


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Day 6 of stimming , my appt.

E2 today= 330; Gonal F 375iu

8 eggs today ?? kinna low to me but my RE says he only wants me to have about 10 eggs for quality purposes and he only wants to transfer 2 - I will be talking him into 3 though as we get closer, ha :). He said retrieval will probably be tues or thursday- and transfer of course a couple of days after. Fun , Fun, Fun times, Im doing great and this process is flying by, Im loving it so far - its kinna fun being a patient (Im always on the nursing end and I have NEVER been in the hospital, sick or anything until now- i know Im weird but I feel like its added a little more dimension to me.) What's in being a human if you dont experience anything in your life?? Now Id rather NOT have this experience AT ALL ;) but I can say that I am truly enjoying the journey ...after all its not how fast you get there but who you are while you are getting there. God has truly covered me with his grace and peace and as long as I have that grace and peace I'll be a- okay. It's been a tough road for me but I know it's all coming to a close and I will will a mommie with stickie, snotty, food smashed on the floor in my backseat kids lol (ewww) I forgot to say that my eggs grew, the smallest was 6mm and largest was 10-11mm (they need to get to 18mm-which he said they should reach by monday). My uterine lining 6mm. It was a 5mm at my baseline appointment.

ps I had to buy another gonal f pen today (whohooo -not) hehe im still happy and grateful though I havent had to pay for any of my ultrasounds ($250 a pop) Praise JESUS for that!!


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Day 4 of Stimming , yup Im stimming whohooooo!!!!

Well, almost a week has passed and I DID get to start my stims wooowhooooo!!!! I was sooo excited. I went for my baseline and they DID see the "cyst" but two doctors determined that it was obviously not a "functional cyst" because if it was it would be producing more estradiol (estrogen aka E2) that 14. So they started me on 300iu. I went for my first monitoring appointment today and my E2= 96 after 3 days of stimming ( I started stimming saturday). Today they called me back and upped it to 375iu. They measured 6 on the left and 3 on the right all of them were 3-4mm. So they are small so Im praying for 12 mature eggs and that my ovaries start responding !! I know they will Im really having faith in God and leaving it in His hands. I will be updating more frequently now that Im on the roll hehe :) My next appointment is thurs. Pray for me and pray that the doc will put in 3 mature eggs (he only does 2 but I want 3 :) anyways until thursday !!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

to ovulate or not to ovulate?!! that's is the question :)

So, my E2(estradiol) results = 14 and progesterone=1.15 I have researched these numbers and it looks good so hopefully I did not ovulate. My in town RE (the one that is NOT doing my IVF cycle) looked at my ovaries - the small cyst is still there ( i think that it got smaller) in addition to a questionable corpus luteum -not good so hopefully not cus that would mean I ovulated!! When my out of town RE was emailed my results ( he is overseas until the 10th of June) he said that I need to up my Lupron to 2.0 (see i wasnt so bad lol) and to still come in for my appointment this friday June 5th. This appointment will be my baseline appointment and I am hoping that I will finally get to start my stims. My last BCP was monday and I am already spotting wooowhoooo!!!! lol another IVF checkoff lol.

p.s. ask God, Im already a mama!!
CharityLuvin :)