Friday, March 19, 2010

C-section Story slash The best and worst week of my preggocy..

So to go back a bit... to 37 weeks preggo to be exact..

the worst...
The kids that I had and treated like my own for 6 months ..and called me mom - were taken from us by their mom - who is unfit- and admitted under oath to doing drugs. What kind of law gives kids back to unfit mothers- TEXAS LAW!! I cried for weeks. nuff said about that..

The best...
I go to the doctor the very next day after court and the dr. tells me that since the baby is still breech -he's sending me to the hospital for a biophysical profile and If I dont get a perfect score Im having the baby that day via csection! We were like OMG who can score perfect on any test?! Im definitely having this baby today. So we go to the hospital, test is done and I score perfect - which is perfect buuuut gets in the way of me having the baby that day. So then he tells me next week if the baby is still breech at your 38 wk appointment we are sectioning you that afternoon. So I was like yes!!! So even though my boys were gone :( I had a whole week to put my mind on Sanaa and get all of my things ready :)

Csection day @ 38 wks.. (02/25/2010)

I went to the dr. ..

baby was still breech..

he sends me to the hospital...

I go shave myself ( you dont want them shaving ur parts while ur awake, can we say EM- BAR-RASINGGG lol)...

I wait in preop for about an hour and a half...

me and hubs take millions of pics in his getup and my getup..

Dr. comes...

the dreaded spinal happens , they suck btw..really bad! If u dont arch "like an alley cat" expect to get multiple rounds of sticks. I got 2..

My husband was so cute cus he knew that I dreaded that dag on spinal so everytime one of the operation crew would come in he'd sneak a peek at me and I'd give him thumbs up (cus I dont like him to worry). I was so scared of that though soooo scared!!! The first stick sucked and didnt work cus I didnt arch. With the second stick came this electricuted type of feeling in my right leg- which I learned in nursing school means they are in the right spot but need to pull the catheter back some..mind u- all of which SUCKED!!

My husband finally came in and kept asking me should he peek over the blue curtain. I was like YEA! do it!! what are they doing ?! he'd be like they're almost in ( like he knew lol) then he'd say there's a gush ...the baby is out!! she whimpered at first and then cried really hard . I almost broke my neck trying to look at her in the warmer. The nurse finally brought her to me , I kissed her and thought its a real baby !! not an alien or basketball lol I was just like its actually her , im actually kissing flesh , im in love :)

The first night in the hospital sucked!!! I was soo sleepy I could hardly breastfeed. I could hardly look at the baby good I was just high on pain meds and anesthesia. Couple all that with bleeding. SIDENOTE: I HATE and LOATHE periods. I also NEVER use pads because I hate the thought and feeling of a constant leak of blood on my skin. I've used Insteads for 7 years (they are kind of like tampons but they are cups that hold all the nastiness and are aproved for 12 hours use- which I love). You can even swim with them- dont though lol nah u can if need be!
Back to bleeding on a pad in the bed YUUUUUUUUUUUCK and couple that with the CNA coming to squirt-clean u all night and leaving u damp YUUUUUUUUCK!!!! If I bleed and can have a shower , im fine. But bleeding with no shower = me not being fine. Let me give u another big yuck - YUUUUUCK!!! All of this had me so crabby and attitudnal. I just hated the first night. To top it off ( and I know its for my benefit) I had the baby at 2:57pm and had to walk at 11pm for 30 minutes. At 11pm I still was zonked from the morphine and walking was a joke. I walked for one minute and then my nurse just had me sit up in the chair for the rest of the time. I slept on my hand the entire chair time.

day 2..
I wake up to another nurse who tells me I get to get my foley out ( I loved the foley, wierd I know), iv partially out and dressing off at 3pm and I can then take a shower - WHOOOHOOOOO!!!
My doctor comes early at noon (GOOOOOOO DR. !!!) and tells the nurse take my stuff off and out so I can take a shower now ! I heart him soooo!!

When the doctor leaves, she tells me that shes gonna squirt clean me! Instead of go off on her I cry and say IM TAKING A SHOWER!! She then says she doesnt want me to get dizzy. I look towards my mom and my mom who is also a nurse says that she's gonna go in with me! I could not believe she would be so lazy and unempathetic. You know that I was super excited about taking a shower all day, how dare u insult me by bringing me that dumb cuch squirt!!!!!!! I was so mad, Im a nurse and I'd NEVER do that to a patient...a heavily bleeding unshowered person!!! Anyways she got on my last nerves as u can tell. Im not even gonna tell u about one of the baby's nurses that pissed me off!! I loved the hospital and the other nurses, those were just bad apples- and as u kno a bad apple can spoil the whole bunch.

Conclusion???!!!...C-Sections Suck

they suck when u cough
they suck when u laugh
they suck when u pee
they suck when u poop
they suck when u wanna care for ur bambino
they suck when u try to change positions
they suck , suck suck

good thing is that after about 7- 10 days u can laugh and cough and do all of the above suck list without crying

Everytime Ive seen a preggo since delivery I say "God Bless they souls, I hope they dont have to have a c-section!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

with all that said ...
unfortunately I'll be having more...
I want more kids and still have 5 on ice...
Im going back in september for more...


Mad that dad keeps trying to wake ne save me maaaa

-sigh- :)

Oh just let me hyperventilate as I heart this babe in a hat!!

To live for!!!