Friday, May 29, 2009

I Ovulated on BCPS ??!!??? Cancelled??!!???!!!

Sooooo... ((deep sighs)) I think Ive ovulated while on the BCPs and on my first day of Lupron which was yesterday (today is day 2).When I was on the plane yesterday I noticed some ovulation pains and then this morning I check to see if I have EWCM and I DO :( So I call my nurse and she says that I need to get checked out to see if I did because If I did my cycle will be cancelled. So I go monday at 1030a to see if I did or not. Im going to be sooo mad if I did. I felt like my lupron was starting too late but she said that the bcps should have suppressed me but I could have super charged ovaries. Does anyone know how they are gonna check to see if I did ..just by looking at the ultrasound or by both that and bloodwork? 
Anyways, Im praying about it so we will see. Today I cheated and took .15 (my dose is .10) I know I did a bad thing , I KNOW! , I just did and its too late for the lupron to do anything about it anyway but i had to try lol. If I did im interested to know how they will change my protocol for suppression for the next cycle. Anyways keep me in your prayers :) Until monday...

CharityLuvin :)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Yup, 1st Day of Lupron ...Am I cool or what!!?!!

Yea, i said it ! It all happened in the JAX airport too :) 0.1mL (10 units) of Lupron...pinchy, slight burn, then poof it was gone! NOT BAD, not bad at all. My RN mommie gave it to me ((cheers)) , she'll be the shot giver until hubluv returns :( lol (no offense but my hubluv and shotgiving just dont marry well :) lol.

*****BCP side effects ALERT *****

heh that lil banner was fun .... Major, MAJOR Sore i just got surgery on the boobs , sore boobs, like engorged with milk (has never felt this) sore boobs!!! Ive never been on BCPS so im like OMG this HURTSSS!!! Mind you , this is not my period is coming sore boobs ..this is I have cuts from surgery sore boobs (as if i didnt say this once already).I stop bcps monday yipee and it seems like I will almost never stop Lupron but whatever it takes right lol 

My baseline appt. is June 5th, pray that the cyst is gone (in Jesus' Name)  and that I will be able to stim away :)

God is great and God IS definitely good to me!!

Charity Luvin :)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Sooo its Memorial Day weekend and while I am so very proud of our military and how they have fought for our freedoms Im even prouder of my mommy, my hero. Her birthday is tommorrow and I will be celebrating her big and small throughout my whole weekend. We always say that in my family bdays last a week. We do up bdays and holidays for each other :) I love my family!

On an IVF note ALL of my meds arrived this week. YAAAAY!!! one step closer, us IVFers love to get things checked off :) My BROTHER opened my lupron when he doesnt even know about me getting IVF. We work together and he was like it said refrig. immediately with your name on it OK that doesnt mean you were suppose to open it brother?? love him to death but gosh!!!! My mom says he is still clueless though lol His new wife is pregnant 10 weeks to be exact -happy for her but blaaah lol My other really good friend that had problems getting pregnant is 20 weeks so I was so pleased to hear that. (blah though yeah blah lol)
Its funnie how God will make u minister to someone out of your own pain. She confided in me that she was having a lot of trouble conceiving her 2nd child over 3 years. God gave me a vision of her pregnant and I told her about it and it was probably about 4 months after that she was pregnant. ( I did not tell her I was having trouble for fear that she'd feel sorry for me if she got pregnant before me -smooth move right lol). Anyways im going to the beach for my mommie's bday this weekend and going out of town this weekend with my 'rents since my hubluv will be out on business. Mommie will be giving me my shots and she is experienced yipeeee lol Im going to be scared when hubluv gets back lol

Monday, May 18, 2009

My heart smiles :)

So, last night I had DREAAAAM with a pregnancy test in my hands and It was positive. I just kinna tilted it to show my hubluv and you would think ...YOU WOULD THINK in the dream I would scream and be so elated but I instead was just at peace with it like yup its positive just like I thought it would be. Needless to say I woke up with a heart smile :). I think Ive been worrying too much about my upcoming cycle and the matter of fact-ness that I felt was a revelation to me to just calm down on the inside and keep rolling by the grace, peace and strength that only a relationship with God can and has brought. Im so very peaceful and hopeful...still taking the good ole BCPS until the 1st of June . Lupron on the 28th of may. Never thought that I'd be looking forward to shots lol. See all that mommy is doing for you ??? You better treat me well when you get here !! Sidebar for my future kiddos. 
My Gonal-F pens are here , i just gotta get em from the post office. oh how I love you. I got 4 (900 iu) pens for 540.00 each (regular price ranges from 700-1000 for each pen) . I knew that Id love the convenience of the pen over the vials. Ill post pics when they get in my possession. 

Sunday, May 17, 2009

2nd day of bcps

Today is my 2nd day of BCPS. Im going to do an IVF scrapbook. I bought a whole kit from walmart , im going to add extra stuff to make it my own though. I went to church today, it was pretty good. No new news, I'm just praying for all my youtubers going through cycles. Im upbeat and believing God for my cycle to work the FIRST time. Im also praying that this cyst will go away, hopefully the BCPs will help with that. Well, im halfway watching this Laker v. Rockets game. Go Rockets!!!! remember that God is in control.

CharityLuvin-soon to be mama :)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

My first IVF appointment!!!

Well it was really fun. My RE and IVF nurse crammed in everything they possibly could since we are out of towners (about 3 and some change hours away). It started with my RE explained a step by step of the IVF process to me (even though ive done my research it sounded like gold coming from him lol). Before that actually my RE intern looked at my microscopic , now almost non-exsistent scars and talked about the Twilight books with me- do I love her so? yes, i dooo. Back to my RE , he was really good about explaining everything. I was given my BCPs and told to start them on the 3rd day of my cycle which was suppose to be after the 18th since that is when my period was due. Then to the IVF nurse she explained it all again in further details and had papers and booklets and all the goodies. We practiced -hubby and I - doing the shots (even though I'm an RN) it was soo funnie seeing hubs do the shots. We had a blast (o, the ways my "fun-having" have changed) we saw the room where I will have my retrieval and the room that I will have my transfer. So all in all it was a thumbs up appointment until the RE decided he sound a cyst on my ovary -tear :( He said that its probably from where I ovulated last month and that it should go away. Pleaseee go away in Jesus naaame !!! Ive that stims wont be given if cysts are present so be in prayer for me about that. 
Better news is that I got my period a smig early ...I daaanced and jumped around lol I was so excited to see AF come. It's been a long time (like never) since Ive been glad to see it come. So I talked to the IVF nurse this morning and she was like "is it a full flow" uh yes its a full flow , duh! is what I wanted to say but I just said "yes" lol and she faxed me a tenative schedule. I heart IVF paperwork, I hold it like its gold lol. She also faxed my scripts and Ive already paid for 4 Gonal-F pens (2,200) I got 'em from - i heard they were the cheapest or "least exspensive". She is going to be ordering my Lupron and Ovidrel so I'm waiting for the company to call to ask for my payment. I cant wait until they all come in the mail :) Keep me in your prayers 

CharityLuvin -soon to be mama :)

BCPS May 18-
Lupron starts on the 28th -

Monday, May 11, 2009

Road to driving on it yup !!!!

So I had my lap. 2 weeks ago I was feeling normal 6 days after. Easy, easy 3 (less that one inch cuts) and one thru the belly button. It wasnt bad at all. The RE cleaned out all of the scar tissue ..come to find both tubes are open (wow) BUT he couldnt get the scar tissue from around my ovaries (how funnie but not so funnie at all) sooo IVF is what I will be doing and I am VERY excited.I have an appointment to get my whole protocol for my cycle that will start next week. If anyone is reading this please answer me this if you know the answer. My RE's nurse said that I will start my bcps on cycle say 3 and that I will have my egg retrieval and transfer in the same cycle the saaaame month. I see so many others starting their bcps the cycle before their er and et... is it necessary? My period is already regular, I cycle every 28 days pretty much like clockwork. Is that why I dont have to? I dont know but I will be asking at my appointment tommorrow. I will be upsated this blog more regularly because Im about to be on the rool with all of this whooohoooo !!!! Id definitely love the comments and encouragement if you are reading I will be doing the same for others going through the process. Have a great day !!!!