I took that ring out , it started hurting ..the 2nd pic is me with my daddie...pics of my stretch marks - like u wanna see right lol ( in order by weeks : 21 weeks, 20 weeks, first belly pic is 20 weeks next ones at 22 weeks) My line is off lol but the lines are gettting dark so weird , I LOVE it !!!)
Sooo im way overdue for this post so here goes my attempt at catching up...
21 weeks
It was pretty EVENTFUL...the event? At 21 weeks and 6 days to my horror I found stetch marks to the right of my belly button. I was like gosh I didnt even know I was even getting that big! Anyways, Im using this "belly bar" and "candy bar" by Oyin Handmade. We shall see if it works :/ lol
22 weeks
I went to the doctor this week and he basically did NOTHING...AGAIN! I havent had an ultrasound by him since I was 9 weeks . I mean really what is he waiting for..if the baby hadnt of been moving by now and I didnt have my handy heart monitor aandd I didnt have an ultrasound by Bella Mamma for gender (ha ! doc :p) Id be a wreck..gosh! Because I like him alot though and because he's been a doc for 30 years and because he's an old school african doctor... I remain trustful, but i mean really doc come oooon. I have an appointment the week after thanksgiving though and when I called to ask about an ultrasound she said I'd get one then and also do my glucose nasty drink test and I think more bloodwork, so that had put me at ease a little. So anyways I bought my crib from pbkids and the penelope bedding this week when I went on a trip to N..C. , so cute! Ive been keeping my little co.usins ( .2 years and .3 years old) since august and it may be permen.ant so Im praying about it and really excited to be doing mommy stuff already, so fun. Anyways they went on the trip too.
23 weeks
Nothing really happened this week. I bought alot of baby clothes from target and babies r us- the baby shoes there are sooo cute. The baby was moving alot more and I felt like I was having braxton hicks one night. I still dont know how those are suppose to feel ..it was uncomfortable but not painful but when i felt my uterus it didnt feel like it was getting hard , idk.
im 24 weeks today!! Viability right?! cool!!!!
she hasnt been moving that much today so ill be going to get my heart monitor ina sec. I love her already *sigh* Now for some pics...