Wednesday, August 19, 2009

11 weeks tommorrow ...or I CAN say 3 months next week lol

lots of stretching going on in the ute starting last night... I was so shocked of what I was feeling in my sleep that I went to go pee...after dribbles and a knawing pulling sensation that has lasted since then, I've diagnosed myself with a stretching ute...hope I'm right since I mean Im such a pregnancy expert and all (whatever lol). All is great --i think my tandem dha vitamins has given me TMIIII ALLEEEEERT the constant poo poos :( Im changing AGAIN..please recommend a good vitamin :( lol luv latas smoooooches...OB visit Sept 9th! @13wk6days which of course one day from being 14 wks so ...14 wks!!

p.ssssss...ohhhh I got a LOT of maternity stuff today my belly is definitely sweeling ...materny skinny jeans at gap online are AWESOME !!! they came today and I LOVE them!!!!


  1. I actually wasn't "regular" till I started the prenatals lol! Mine are a prescription my RE gave me with refills till next year, so i don't know what to recommend to you. maybe try eating more Irony foods? Iron tends to constipate people, so it might regulate you better.
    Sooo glad your making it to the second trimester! Post some pics soon :) would love to see the progressing belly, and some ultra sound pictures!!
