Thursday, September 17, 2009

15 weeks

15 weeks today !! I heard the heartbeat with my hi-bebe doppler FINALLY after trying for 2 weeks :) it was love..he's so cute I cant even take him right now!!! nah lol I went to the OB last week heard the hb and got lab results back...bladder infection and GBS+ whoooohooo, not. Neither is a big deal though although the bladder infection CAN become one untreated. So onto Microdantin pills 4 times a day for 10 days!!! Really?! who can really fit that many pills in over the day (to be taken every 6 hours- blaaah) Im usually only getting in 3 pills a day Ive just settled with that - Im just going to of course make sure I finish all of them so Ill probably be taking them over 2 weeks...a mess!!

Anyways Im feeling great but Im not eating so great. Im back to not really liking food and it sucks I can NEVER find stuff I want to eat. I started a registry at Target and Babiesrus that was fun other than that and keeping 2 kiddos -long story for lata- im doing great!!!So Ive been so lazy slash maybe overly private about my pics but I WILL be posting some ...who knows when - ill surprise yall :)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

13 weeks :)soooo at least im in the teens!!!

13 weeks today!! cant wait for my MD appointment wednesday (sept.9th) ...thought I felt the baby move for the last 3 days..I could Definitely be losing it though, I KNOW I KNOW its still a lil early for that. Im getting tired of the "a little early for that" talk in my head too. week 4 was early...even week 6 was early but goodness give me some credit mind...Im 13 whole weeks that's gotta count for something... I like counting it and I LOVE counting ahead even more for that matter so blah to u mind for being such a downer when I turn weeks!! Besides Im getting bigger =p ....

Im feeling pretty normal these days. So normal that my food aversions are leaving. I swore that Id NEVER eat chicken and BBQ again... I ate both this week and it was decent- I didnt love it but I can stomach it. So im proud....ive been constipated - the story of many
I full of it...yup full of crap...(((shouting))) Im full of ........................ POOP!! (heeeey u know I dont use those words!!!!) lol....... anyways bye im habving too much fun and I WILL be posting belly pics soon I PROMISE!!!