Well it was really fun. My RE and IVF nurse crammed in everything they possibly could since we are out of towners (about 3 and some change hours away). It started with my RE explained a step by step of the IVF process to me (even though ive done my research it sounded like gold coming from him lol). Before that actually my RE intern looked at my microscopic , now almost non-exsistent scars and talked about the Twilight books with me- do I love her so? yes, i dooo. Back to my RE , he was really good about explaining everything. I was given my BCPs and told to start them on the 3rd day of my cycle which was suppose to be after the 18th since that is when my period was due. Then to the IVF nurse she explained it all again in further details and had papers and booklets and all the goodies. We practiced -hubby and I - doing the shots (even though I'm an RN) it was soo funnie seeing hubs do the shots. We had a blast (o, the ways my "fun-having" have changed) we saw the room where I will have my retrieval and the room that I will have my transfer. So all in all it was a thumbs up appointment until the RE decided he sound a cyst on my ovary -tear :( He said that its probably from where I ovulated last month and that it should go away. Pleaseee go away in Jesus naaame !!! Ive that stims wont be given if cysts are present so be in prayer for me about that.
Better news is that I got my period a smig early ...I daaanced and jumped around lol I was so excited to see AF come. It's been a long time (like never) since Ive been glad to see it come. So I talked to the IVF nurse this morning and she was like "is it a full flow" uh yes its a full flow , duh! is what I wanted to say but I just said "yes" lol and she faxed me a tenative schedule. I heart IVF paperwork, I hold it like its gold lol. She also faxed my scripts and Ive already paid for 4 Gonal-F pens (2,200) I got 'em from IVFmeds.com - i heard they were the cheapest or "least exspensive". She is going to be ordering my Lupron and Ovidrel so I'm waiting for the company to call to ask for my payment. I cant wait until they all come in the mail :) Keep me in your prayers
CharityLuvin -soon to be mama :)
BCPS May 18-
Lupron starts on the 28th -
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