Monday, May 18, 2009

My heart smiles :)

So, last night I had DREAAAAM with a pregnancy test in my hands and It was positive. I just kinna tilted it to show my hubluv and you would think ...YOU WOULD THINK in the dream I would scream and be so elated but I instead was just at peace with it like yup its positive just like I thought it would be. Needless to say I woke up with a heart smile :). I think Ive been worrying too much about my upcoming cycle and the matter of fact-ness that I felt was a revelation to me to just calm down on the inside and keep rolling by the grace, peace and strength that only a relationship with God can and has brought. Im so very peaceful and hopeful...still taking the good ole BCPS until the 1st of June . Lupron on the 28th of may. Never thought that I'd be looking forward to shots lol. See all that mommy is doing for you ??? You better treat me well when you get here !! Sidebar for my future kiddos. 
My Gonal-F pens are here , i just gotta get em from the post office. oh how I love you. I got 4 (900 iu) pens for 540.00 each (regular price ranges from 700-1000 for each pen) . I knew that Id love the convenience of the pen over the vials. Ill post pics when they get in my possession. 


  1. i thought i'd reply here so you'd see it!
    thank you for reading! i'm glad my writing has put a positive spin on things for you! i never liked coming off as a downer, even when i was down! regardless of what was going on i have so much to be thankful for- sometimes it's hard for me to remember that!

    as for your question: "off topic question have u read how long u have to wait to have ivf again after the first one, im just curious and dont feel like i can ask my RE that just yet lol"
    answer: my first IVF cycle was in May/June of last year- after that failed i had to wait 1 full cycle (month, period- etc) before starting another cycle (we did an FET in July/August) after that failed we had to wait another month (another FET in Sept/Oct)- after that failed (ectopic) we had to wait about 2 1/2 months for our next fresh IVF cycle.
    usually most RE's will make you wait between 1-3 cycles. this includes getting your period at least once. I always pushed for the sooner the better- so if they give you the choice i'd go with 1 cycle- i always felt pretty ok & ready to start again. specially if you do another fresh cycle & need to take BCP's for a month- so that puts you at about 2 months out from your 1st cycle.
    i hope you don't even have to worry about another cycle! IVF#1 is a success for SO many people! i was just one of those odd ones :)
    God Bless!

  2. It's true that IVF#1 works for a lot of people. I was one of those people. Sending you some baby dust in hopes that your embies will soon be kiddos.
