Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The girl is bout to lay these eggs!!!

Yes honeys, Im bout to drop 'em like they hot lol (corny but ya gotta luv me lol). Today I had a lot of follicles that reached 20mm so crazy cus yesterday they were like 16mm lol No blood work today, yay. Dr. Allison said "tell your ovaries good job" lol.I love her !! Im about to trigger at 830pm exactly tonight which is like 7 minutes from now and then no more shots. I still have almost a whole pen of Gonal F left- ill save it :) for my next kiddos. IF I want more because I will be pregnant this time :) Anyway retrieval on thursday at 730am. My RE is back from London yaaay so he will be at my retrieval.Please pray that all goes well, I have lots of scarring in there so they will be cautious about puncturing my intestines (laawd) thankfully prayer works and Im praying that God covers me! I filled my vicodin script today , Im nervous about taking it though since it will be on an empty stomach anyways. I just got my trigger shot whooo hooo...Until thursday, please keep me in your prayers !!!!

CharityLuvin- soon to b mama!

1 comment:

  1. i am pray, pray, PRAYING for an awesome retrieval on Thurs! be sure to update!!!
    may God guide those dr's hands!!!!
