Sunday, June 21, 2009

My Father's day transfer!!!! 5 made it to snowbabies!!!

It was awesome!!! No pain at all.No cramping or anything , my RE was surprised lol. He washed off my cervix and inserted the embies, 2- which he said were "textbook"!!!! (8 cell). I said, can you put 3 in and he said "you really dont want to end up with triplets". My cousin was like yes we do !!!! lol He started talking about developmental problems blah blah blah so I was like ok, 2 then! (blah, but my RE is so nice I couldnt press the issue lol). He is usually very somber..nice but somber so it was just so weird to see him uber excited , i mean elated would be an understatement- just so much excitement in his voice - you heard it the most when he was talking about my embies and how excellent the quality was. go me and go hubluv lol. It was a special day though, I gave him the card I talked about in my last post and he prayed over the babies with the oil that was prayed over by my grandma and aunt at our wedding-he put it on my belly and kissed it , how cute right.

Anywho, Im believing that both will stick. God says,There will be none that are barren and miscarry among you and Im holding onto that !!! We have a VERY busy week and weekend so that should make it easy for me to get through the week.Im going to be tied up with lots of family staying at my house until 8dp3dt (8 days past a 3 day transfer). Yes!!! I thank God for aligning things this way so I can just stay busy shoot. :) Im also reading a bestselling book called Shanghai girls I really like it so far so we shall see. I think it's going to go by fast though :) Did I say I have 5 embies frozen !!! yes 5!!!!! Im so in love right now!!!

CharityLuvin- mama to embies!!

1 comment:

  1. im sooo happy for you and my prayers are with you and ur husband also and i believe that both will stick and i pray that you have healthy and beautiful twins!!!!! keep us updated ok ; )
