Wednesday, July 22, 2009
nauseousss?! crap... :)
6wk6days>>>> ut ohhh starting to constantly feel grossy... At first I was like maybe Im hungry..i ate...then i said maybe i need more water...I guzzled to death....and then I said maybe I need to tmi "go to the bano"..done! Still grossy :( nausea???!! thanks for the reassurance but leave me alone!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Houston we have an awesome heartbeat!!!!! 6wk5days
Yup just one, we thought two and so did my OB and RE. My parents and hubby keep insisting that there has got to be another one "hiding"anywho, I'd NEVER complain about the one. Im SOOO happy!! Hubby videoed, I got the pic and I just couldnt be more excited. Last night at 6wk4days I got a little yuck feeling ..not really nausea just kinna grossed out. I can explain it. Maybe it was how my body says "hey this is preggo nausea". Food is still grossing me out every other dayish...
That was it though I was worried for nothing :) everything is going perfectly! as it will continue to go :)My clinic was also congratulating me as did the lab girl in my clinic...I was a lil dissapointed that I didnt see my favorite resident doc. Allison but whatever I'll get over it I guess (sigh). Im happy so who cares right?! Im released from my RE and ok'd to stop taking my suppositories because of my stellar 58.7 progesterone level...I think im going to finish my bottle though I have like 8 days left so we shall see lol Its a little nerve-racking to just stop them cold turkey.. so I will warn myself for a week or so :)
keep praying for us and baby (I think boy)
Friday, July 17, 2009
food aversions??6wk 1 day, yaaay
I've seen this in lists of preggo symptoms not really ever giving it any thought. But goooodness, if this doesnt describe me lately I dont know what does. EVERYTHING grosses me out...ok almost everything grosses me out. Any type of chicken that doesnt come in KFC fried hotwing form , I HATE lol My mom got a rotissere chicken the other day from ther grocery store and It looked so disgusting to me. I cant eat hamburgers, chickfili sandwiches, chicken strips, salad..all things that I loved. Right now, all I eat is kfc wings, fries, pancakes and fruit. I dont know what Im going to eat today though cus I dont want KFC wings again, blaaah. Anyway, I've said all this to say that I have NO appetite :) Im still thankful that at leassst I dont have nausea!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
ultrasound &beta #2 @ 22dp3dt/25dpo
On monday I had an ultrasound with my mom's friend who will be my OB. He wouldnt do a transvaginal since I came to him via IVF. He said that he didnt wanna go poking in there before I got released from my RE. He said if he did it transvaginally he would be able to see a heartbeat but blah what's the use of telling me that if you're not. I understood though lol ..sorta haha. I also had my blood drawn and my hcg just after 7 days(( drumroll))...8398, score!!! and my progesterone on just 1 suppository was 66.4, go me ! I did see my speckle of babies YES babies he said that he saw the outline of another sac but since he wasnt using the wand and he was being "careful" not to poke hard into my belly with the ultrasound majig ..blah again.
In better news, my peeps from my RE's office called and said that my numbers were awesome and that my RE said that he didnt know why he scheduled my appt. so late ( uh, they told me he was going out of town but whatever lol) and that he is going to do my ultrasound this coming up TUESDAY ...yaaaaaaaay yay yays and kudos to my RE :)
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Another symptom..
this would be besides the minor hardly never cramping I have (maybe for 5 min. every other day or so). Seems like its only when I stand too long. Anywaaays....
I have to chart these for my records..this past week my stomach muscles have been VERY sore! Im talkin' sore like I did crunches (what a joke). Anywho, I googled this to see if others had had sore tummy muscles this early and alot came up of preggos with sore tummys so I guess I'm a normal preggie. It is said to have to do with the body producing natural muscle relaxers- shoot that might be why I felt so drugged on tuesday and wednesday lol nah, but my body is way too cool right now I cant even take myself lol !
Friday, July 10, 2009
Progesterone Level #2 (and Beta#2
Today my RE called and said that he wants me to have a progesterone blood draw early monday morning since I went from 2 suppositories to 1 because of my stellar progesterone level this past monday (50.7). This was the perfect time to get in something I want lol ..... another HCG level. So yeah, I asked can I get another one so I can see where my level is at what will be 22dp3dt or 25dpo( 5.4wks). Something else to keep me busy, yipee. My mom's friend- who will be my OB-GYN may give me an ultrasound monday (5.4wks) we shall see- not that much to see on ultrasound probably but we will at least be able to see how many - possibly! I dont know if I'll go though I definitely wont trump my RE cus im still in his care. Pray for my babies !!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
the symptom i just realized I had...
Im the hotness...NO, really! I had to add this at least just for me, IM ALWAYS HOT!!!! I just realized that that has been one of my main symptoms that I left out. Now, granted its always hot in Texas but when Im in Walmart im hot, when Im home im hot, when im enclosed in a good air conditioned building im freakin hot hot hot!!!!Any other preggos have this as a main symptom??? ivntee07 on youtube has this too so I know im not alone !!! ((rip MJ)) lol
Well I just googled and saw that on average pregnant women run 10 degrees hotter , i guess thats my answer!!
5 weeks

GO go go me me me !!!!
Every week counts...get those hearts beating and organs growing babies!! We told my grandma and oldest aunt today. My husband said "Mudea we will be bringing a baby/babies to the family reunion next summer!" They were so excited and promised to pray for the baby/babies. They'll keep it quiet until I tell them :). Anyways, my boobs are still on fire and my uterus is still very quiet. My throat is getting scratchy so I hope Im not getting a cold, blah. Anywho, check out the crib im getting, i heart it so much !
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Another 2ww(2 wk wait), u have gotta b kidding me?!!!?
Soo my ultrasound isn't gonna be until July 28th!!!!!!! That is so long , what in the world am I gonna do until then. My RE is out of town AGAIN next week so blah blah blah blah blaaaaaah to him lol Love u Schenken!! Thankfully Ive got a house full of kids (nieces and lil cousin) for the summer ages 3, 4, 11,& 13 all girls. So I saw a "summer camp" sign on the young chef academy door when I rode by this morning HOPEFULLY they will take my crew. Back to my ultrasound, OMGoshums!!! By that time -let me look at my calendar 7.5 excruciating, i mean really lol. My progesterone was 50.7 so Im down to 1 suppository at bedtime, so that cool- i guess :/. They said normal is 20! So my body is doing stellar right now.
Nothing but PAINFUL boobs and lil smidget of fatigue
5 weeks tommorrow!!!!!!!!!! I think TWINS- we shall see...
Monday, July 6, 2009
Beta Numbeeeeer.....15dp3dt(18dpo) , 4 weeks5days
15dp3dt... 845!!!! Pray that I have a healthy nine months. The medical assistant called me and tried not to give me the number so I was like "what is the number because I know that it's positive" and she was like we usually dont give it out until we talk to the doctor yet and your progesterone doesnt come back until tommorrow but yes , you are pregnant and it was 845!! I was like oooooo aaaaahhhh excited. My RE's office is gonna call me tommorrow and let me know what my progesterone is and tell me what my plan of care will be like. He says that he likes to see back between 6-7 weeks so hopefully that'll be late next week or early in the weeks after next... Every thursday I turn a new week so this week Ill be 5 weeks and next week 6 weeks... :) Anyways, Ill update tommorrow ((singing)) Im soo excited !! and I just cant hide it!!! lol
Beta Day...
im sooo excited to find out some numbers! I went sleepily at 730a to the lab ....We shall seee :)
Sunday, July 5, 2009
4wk4 days
Dont feel anything!!!! Cant wait to FEEEL preggo..maybe i'll take another test since i still have 3 more lol!!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Preggo me...
Happy 4th of July!!!!!!
Not only do I thank God for our freedoms, I thank God for freeing me this weekend ..for answering my prayer after almost 4 years...for being a faithful God to me. This experience has taught me sooooo many things. I thank Jesus Christ for allowing me to come out victorious and I know that with Him ALL things are possible. God is great and greatly to be praised for remembering lil ole me. Ive had sooo much heartache and in a day , Jesus delivered. Hallelujah Believe also and so shall u be delivered!!!
My day went as such...
- wake up @ 640a and take another hpt..POSITIVE AGAIN ( 4 tests all different ALL +'s) I LOVE IT!!! - when i figure out how to post pics i will maybe tomorrow sometime...
- go to grocery store with Hubdadluv ( yea I added dad hehe) to get grilling meat..chicken, fajitas and sausage just for 5 since ALL my relatives decided to go out of town for the fourth (we've been on the go so this was our stay home all weekend and enjoy being preggo and relaxin weekend)
-come home and google maternity clothes, baby clothes, cribs etc. - so fun!
-lay around, eat, talk to 2 of my cousins
- go to target buy what to expect book, by yoga maternity pants (yes, already! I couldnt resist), looked for the be band since my tummy is already bloated - I did not find one. Get a lil dizzy in target.
-Notice I have fine acne still.. I noticed at 9-10dp3dt that it was more than at usual period time
- go to Old navy...but maternity tank with shelf bra since my boobs hurt SOOOO bad and them flopping at night hurts worst! so ill be sleeping in that from now on- great investment since before preggo Ive slept braless in tanks.
-Read some of what to expect..
- watch the new Denzel movie
-blog lol
another symptom to add is that I have had a pulling kind of sensation in my uterus since 10dp-11dp..its not cramps its just like a pulling , like stretching ..anyone else?? Ive also kinna felt my ovaries twinge a few times whats that about??? T.bird can u shed some light if u read this ??!! i'll talk others comments also lol thanks...
Charity Luvin- Im a momma!!!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
11dp3dt and what do you know??!!???
IM PREGGO!!!!!!!!! I've also been sworn to secrecy by my hubby until im 6 wks blah for that!! Im sooo excited , like I really dont even know how to express my excitement. I wasnt suppose to POAS BUT the stupid lab isnt going to be open on my beta day which is SUPPOSE to be tommorrow. So I said to my hubluv last nite since I cant have my beta, we will POAS my beta day. Well tonight at about 9pm-930ishpm when everyone left he said GO TEST!!! ( a day early) and I just jumped up and he ran behind me, I peed lol and immediately pretty much the plus sign came up (clear blue easy the early one).. Tommorrow im going to get the one that says "pregnant "
My hubluv recorded my reaction, it was just really cool I feel and am blessed so much right now- after aaaaall Ive been threw wheeeeww!! I just immediately praised Jesus- He definitely gets all the praise and honor for this.So my beta will be monday and I will definitely tell my beta numbers which will be great!!!!Enjoy the 4th of July - I definitely will.
Pray for my babies- that they keep growing healthy and strong and that they feel the presence and power of God while in their mama, my hubluv is praying that just like john the baptist was filled with the holy spirit in his mamas wound our babies will be filled while in my womb!!!!
the twins' mama :)
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